403 247 1441
403 247 1441

AstroPlanning & Coaching

Our Annual Planning System is based on the journey the sun makes on an annual basis as it travels through the twelve houses of your astrological chart.  Just like plants have an annual growth cycle, you too have an annual human growth-cycle – your Soul Cycle – that is based on this journey.

In an AstroPlanning System you learn all about your personal planning year: how to tune into, harmonize with, and leverage subtle energies to mobilize inner spiritual forces at play in your life throughout the year–to work more effectively with your soul’s natural growth cycles.

Discover your time to plant intentions . . .and harvest your results in an organic, practical, aligned and “unique-to-you” way!- for a lifetime!

Individual and group packages available.

Facilitators: Calgary, Canada’s Dr Beth Hedva and SF Bay Area’s Executive Coach, Andrea Bauer provide coaching via video conferencing and in person. Tel: (403)247-1441 (Calgary); (650) 802-8936 (California).

Schedule an Appointment